Colleen and I forgot to take a picture at chemo today (I blame "chemo brain", of course), so we took one after we got home while we were having tea and Junie insisted on being on my lap.
Colleen took BART over from Albany and we called for a cab 45 minutes before my appointment (it's a 15-minute ride to the medical building), and didn't get in a cab until 5 minutes before my appointment. San Francisco is simply a horrible taxi town, unless you're downtown or at the wharf, and even then...
Fortunately, he made good time and I was only five minutes late. HOWEVER, the stress had raised my blood pressure to much higher than normal. I'm usually around 115/60. Today it was 148/80 when I sat down, and I had a temperature of 99.5. By the time I finished my infusion, both the bp and temp were normal, so I guess it was the taxi stress. Colleen and I have the same birthday and she says Aries do not like to be late. I know it's true about me.
Ellie was my nurse today and she was great. She's the nurse who ran the chemo class Robert, Kevin and I went to before my treatment began. I haven't met a bad one on the oncology staff yet.
Got the usual wooziness, vague headache, minor aches and pains, and I'm a little fatigued already. But I had enough energy this morning to ride my scooter to Kaiser's medical records office and file for my long-term disability insurance. The weather's gorgeous right now, so it was a pleasant outing. So far, I've had 4 of my six small meals today. No nausea.