Friday, August 20, 2010

My newest acquisition

David Imlay's art show at Blackbird ended and I got the oil painting I'd bought from it.

His painting technique is so photo-realistic that you'd almost think you were looking at a photograph. But on closer inspection, you realize it's just really fine brush work.

This painting is about 18" x 24". Well worth finding a spot on my crowded walls for.

I can report no improvement on the fatigue front. I'm going to Costonoa with Robert for a couple of nights. I think a change of scene might help and certainly can't hurt.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Not much to report

This is my latest linocut print. I finished another 6-week course last night. I think it's interesting to compare it to my very first linocut that I did in my first class:

My new tulip at the top has much more detail and was carved in much less time, so I definitely know I've made progress. I now have a break from linocut for a couple of weeks, one night of open studio printing, then another couple weeks off, and then another 6-week class commences.

I wish I could report that the fatigue is gone. I hangs on stubbornly, varying somewhat from day to day. Somedays it fairly incapacitates me from the moment I wake up, somedays it doesn't appear until late in the afternoon. I meekly obey it whenever it crops up, as I have found that defying it and being active in spite of it reaps bitter rewards.

Meanwhile, I have managed to keep to my daily habit of lunching out. In addition to that, I walk as much as my body will allow. I did not actually walk the AIDS Walk this year, but I was the 34th top earning individual and my one-person team was the 110th top earning team. Holly and her helpers made some delicious tamales, so that part of the tradition was upheld, thank god.

July marked 18 years in the same apartment. Amazing.