Thursday, September 1, 2011

Clover Midst the Cowpies

Just wanted to report a bit of happy news: My brain MRI was good. No new masses or sacs of fluid and no growth among the remnants left behind by the surgeries and radiation treatments. Of course, this didn't come as a surprise, since I would have pretty clear signs if my brain was going blooey again. Still, it's nice to have some good news as I cope with chemo.

Ughs after chemo are worse and last a little longer each time, but I have managed to keep to my resolution of getting up and getting showered and dressed by nine each day, even if all I feel up to doing is staring into space.


  1. Hooray for clean scans!! Love you sooo much!! xx me.

  2. Great news about the scans...excited about your artistic side...bragged about you when Jesse and parents visited for a day last week!

  3. Just thought of you and so will send you a virtual hug. :)
