Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Radiation is a go

I got extra special good care from my radiation oncologist, Dr. Gillis, today. She saw me on the schedule with a different doctor for tomorrow and, wanting to care for me herself, juggled everything so that I would be seeing her today. She also arranged that they would do the treatment preparation today, and knowing about my arm, had the receptionist arrange for me to be picked up by cab and driven there (on Kaiser's dime). It was a long afternoon, but Dr. Gillis was very optimistic and pleased to tell me that so far the cancer is staying out of the rest of my body. She thinks we can really shrink down the remaining tumor and expects me to get the full use of my left arm back. She also said that my hair may grow back.

I'll be having just 10 treatments , starting Monday, 11/1, ending 11/12. I am hoping Kevin will be able to get a Zip car account and drive me every day, but if that doesn't work out, I may be putting out a call for chauffeurs. Thanks in advance, my would-be drivers!

I feel more hopeful than I've dared let myself feel after today's visit.


  1. That there are those in the medical profession that have caring hearts like your Dr. Gillis is refreshing...bless her! Looking forward to a visit in November! Love, me

  2. Great news! Much love and tumor-shrinking prayers coming your way! Love, me too (Mom stole my line!!)

  3. I'm here to drive you, Sweetpea!!!

  4. Keeping good thoughts as always! Love, Jim

  5. I'm am so glad to hear your great news.The fact that they are doing them so soon is wonderful. It is comforting to know you have a such a caring doctor/ Keeping postitve thoughts Love, Mary

  6. I throw my car into the pool. Oh and I will drive.

  7. me too! I have a car AND a drivers license.... just sayin...

  8. Great news! And great care. You must have been nice to your doc. Will visit after you get it all done to help celebrate.
    Love, Tim

  9. I'd be happy to chauffeur as well, and promise not to nearly kill us both like last time. Really glad to hear the encouraging news. Love, b
