Friday, March 11, 2011

My new baby

Look what finally arrived 9 months after I put down my deposit!

I got a litttle nervous on my way to the scooter store, thinking "what if I've lost the ability to ride on 2 wheels after all this brain trauma?"

Fortunately, this was not the case, and after two trips around the block, I was shifting pretty competently. It was a gorgeous day to ride and I was grateful to be able to ride home in light mid-weekday traffic. She rides so smoothly and so quietly. It's a completely different ride from my little two-stroke, which I'm giving to a friend of mine who lives in North Beach.

This is the first thing that's made me feel "normal" since before my first brain surgery. I'm looking forward to getting a lot of riding in this weekend.



  1. You are way tooooo cooool! So happy for you, feel the wind on your face and ride, baby, ride!

  2. FABULOUS!!! Have so much fun. :)

  3. I'm envious of both the scooter and your weather. Enjoy!

  4. What a great ride! I can see you gliding all over town showing off your pride and joy! Have fun!!!

  5. Let the wind blow through your hair! Ooops. Never mind!

  6. woooo hooooo!!!! I think it's the cutest scooter ever.

  7. The image that comes to mind of you buzzing around SF on that adorable scooter is putting a huge smile on my face!
