Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The latest CT scan results

I haven't posted a picture of myself in awhile, so here I am, bald and thin from my many procedures. You can see a nimbus of white fuzz growing in patches on my scalp. I'm skeptical that it will grow in to resemble my former hair, so I will probably end up having to shave my head.

The scan results were good. The only change since the last scan in November is a small spot on my lungs that Dr. Liu was fairly certain is phlegm due to my recent cold and nothing to worry about. My right buttock is still noticeably smaller than my left. He is still mystified by that, but not alarmed. Those of you familiar with Voltaire's 'Candide' might be reminded of Cunegonde's old lady attendant who only had one buttock (the other one had been eaten by Mongolians), so like her, i will soldier on in my lopsided form. "On to Cadiz!. Painful ride it will be for me with one buttock." The next body scan will be in June.

My blood work showed the low phosphorous level I've had since before my cancer diagnosis, and that my t-cells are taking a long time to recover from being assaulted by Decadron. The count was a little higher than my last blood test had, so things are moving in the right direction, at least.

Apart from waking up with a head full of snot every day and having this slight cough, I feel pretty good. My left hand has regained almost all of its former strength and dexterity, which cheers me considerably. Coincidentally, I've been feeling ready to drive my scooter again, and I got a call today that my brand new Stella 4-speed manual transmission scooter is on its way to SF from Chicago. Good timing. I need my left hand since that is where the clutch and shifter are. I'm very excited about riding two wheels again, as this will bring a new level of independence (and free me from having to ride Muni.)


  1. Hell to the Yeah, Babycakes. I'll be sure to pinch that larger buttock when I see you next. LOVE!

  2. :D hooray for good news, and odd rump news.

  3. woohooo!! hope the snot goes away soon. love you!

  4. Can you get a special seat for the Stella so your right buttocks doesn't slid off accidentially?!?


  5. Shaved heads are very becoming, Dennis - it looks good on you. I hope to be being a Nomad around France when it's time for your next scan but McWiFi often helps me out. Good luck with it!


  6. So glad to hear your news. If I had to choose between hand function and buttock symmetry, I would definitely pick the former. :) Glad to hear you will be cruising around on your new ride (and away from the germs of mass transit) soon. Love you!
