Monday, February 8, 2010

And now we are one

Della turned 1 yesterday and her parents had a few of us over for a small celebration in her honor. I can't believe she's only been in our lives a year. She is almost talking (she says "ba-ba" for "bottle", and "a-da" for "all done"), which seems a bit advanced to me. She also speaks some mysterious language that involves a lot of fish-lipped vowel formations.

My brothers, Tim and Jim, and Tim's wife, Cathy, came up from Fresno on Saturday and we had lunch at Starbelly before they checked into their hotel, and then dinner at Chez Papa Resto that evening. It was nice to see them.

I'm a little worn out from my very social weekend, and I guess my digestion still has a ways to go to get to normal, because I find that small meals are still best for me. I do miss pigging out, but I guess it isn't really good for anyone, no matter how hard the marketplace tries to "supersize" us.

I probably won't post again until after my oncologist appointment on Wednesday.

Here's a video of the big moment after dinner last night: