Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Best of All Possible News

Dr. Liu seemed very excited to share the CT scan results with me. It showed, as we knew already by sight, tremendous shrinkage of the lymphadenopathy under my right arm, and no new spots anywhere else in my body. My internal organs all appeared normal on the scan and my lungs are clear.

So I'm a candidate for radiation therapy, but that won't commence until 3/23 at the earliest, in order to get my scheduled trips out of the way. I have an appointment with the radiation oncologist next Tuesday, 2/16. She and Dr. Liu have determined that I should have 30 treatments, so that's six weeks, every day, M-F. I'm not quite sure how I'll get to Oyster Point every day. Apparently there is some sort of shuttle from the South SF BART station to the Kaiser Cancer Treatment Center. I'll try it for my appointment next week, but if it takes too long, I may have to join a car share program.

This is the best possible news in this crappy situation. It's news I didn't dare hope for, but am very grateful to have received. I'm celebrating by doing a little dance in my head (oh, and maybe by lighting up the hugest doobie I can roll).


  1. I knew it I knew it I knew it.

    All the same, pleased to have the confirmation. :-)

    Rather than a spiff, do you mind if I toast you with a cocktail tonight?

  2. Glad to hear it!! Enjoy the fatty. How come you didn't offer to share last weekend?? Ha!
    Love ya'...Tim

  3. Hooray!! Can't wait to see you!! Love, me.

  4. this is the best bd present I could get. Enjoy your natural treat. Love Mary

  5. Great news!! Now you can really enjoy your planned vacations! Love, Jim

  6. You guys should have seen Dr. Liu... he was bouncing off the walls. I think he was really happy to get to give D some good news. And I was really happy not to have to have him killed. ;)

  7. Oh, Dennis, I am so pleased to hear this. I hope you enjoyed your gift to yourself. See you soon!

  8. HOORAY! that's the best. A toast to you from our household tonight. :)

  9. I am so very, very pleased, Dennis. Can't wipe the smile off of my face. Hoping you received the little bit of "spring" I sent your way... See you in March! Love always and forever, K.

  10. Huzzah!!! :D Love you so much and can't wait to see you!

  11. Yay! Must go find a drink so I toast you too.

  12. Phew. Well done!

    I'm up for some driving. Then some lolling afterwards ;-)

    I love you <3

  13. In the words of the immortal bard, "that's fan-bloody-tastic to hear" , Dennis.

  14. yaaaaaay! Dennis, I'm so happy to hear the good news! You get 'em, Tiger!!

  15. HALLE-FRICKING-LUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Celebrations are in order, Young Man. :-)


  16. Oh yay oh yay oh yay! Such wonderful news! I'm so glad to hear! Hooooooray! - Sian

  17. That's fantastic news! I will toast you with many cocktails tonight. Enjoy your doobie.

  18. Oh Dennis I am soooo happy. Bravo! - Martha

  19. Dennis, I'm so happy for you. What wonderful news! --cwilsonatiii
