Friday, December 10, 2010

A Good Purge

I don't know exactly why I'm so consumed by the task of decluttering my lived-in-for-eighteen-years apartment,but I am. Decluttering started officially today when Kevin and Rene took 18 boxes of books and CDs to the Friends of the SF library book donation center. Next, week, Kevin and I will box up clothes and miscellaneous crap from my hall and bedroom closets, and I'll get the neighborhood thrift shop to take away all of those boxes as well as the bookshelves emptied by today's hauling out. Then there's all my old computer equipment to recycle.

On the health front, I'm off the decadron now and my blood glucose level is going steadily down. I've had a couple of really fatigued days,and I'm taking these as reminders to nap more. My body is very slowly returning to its normal shape.

The arm and hand are stronger every day. I can turn and pull on a doorknob with my left hand provided the door itself isn't too heavy. I now consistently use both hands to wash dishes. The hand seems to remember what it used to do and I just let it try. It isn't always strong enough, but it often is. I hope this rapid improvement continues. When I can manage shirt buttons and touch-typing with two hands again, I'll know I'm fully back.


  1. Every time I declutter, I seem suddenly to need something that I decluttered. Feels good though, doesn't it?

  2. The cats must think you're nuts!
