Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I'm taking it as a good sign that both of my oncologists and my neurosurgeon moved my MRI from 11/21 to tomorrow. I think Dr. Lavery wants the images asap so he can decide about doing another surgery, and perhaps the scan will show that the inflammation is reduced enough that I can stop taking the Decadron . However it means yet another appointment in a week when I''m starting to feel what I think is post-radiation fatigue. Thursday I have the PET scan and Friday the appointment with Dr. Liu to go over the scan results. I'd prefer to just nap all day for a few days, but in a way, it feels good to be doing something every day to try to get back my arm and to heal enough to get off the damn dreaded Decadron, and push being a person with cancer into the background again. I hate having it so much in the foreground. FYI, I'm dutifully doing my exercises twice a day, like the model patient I've always been. ;-) And I nominate Kevin for sainthood. He makes my life possible these days.


  1. i second kevin's nomination :~)
    see if you can get him to take a quick photo of dr lavery with his phone, k?

  2. Glad that all the drs are taking such exceptional and conscientious care of you. I've never met Kevin but he sounds like a saint to me for taking such good care of you!!!
    Love, Mary
