Friday, December 4, 2009

Checkmark by Chemo Round 4

Woo hoo! I'm two-thirds done with chemo. David, my favorite chemo nurse, posed with me today. Still only the bloating as a side effect, and it seems to respond to Gas-X, so I guess I won't need to poke myself with one of those pointed poles they use on gassy cattle.

Amy was my buddy today and she's such a good chatter, we didn't need a puzzle to divert us. Another former coworker that I haven't gotten to spend time with one-on-one in a long time, so it was very pleasant to catch up. She's one of the few people in the world that used to be able to refer to me as "my boss".

Anyway, I'm all prepared for the ugh. I'm hoping it waits a day or two since the rain has been put off a day or two. I hate to waste good sunny walking weather.


  1. oh my - i completely understand why he is the favorite chemo nurse!

  2. I must say--you look wonderful. I'm sure you don't *feel* wonderful. Still, it's nice to know you're keeping your boyish good looks, isn't it?

  3. Oh, my God, I'm getting out the Christmas decorations and I've found your FIMO anatomically correct baby Jesus that you made for my children years ago! Sex education with a religious twist! :-)
