Monday, December 28, 2009


Yesterday and last night were the worst I've felt since chemo began. I won't go into details, but there was a lot of time spent in the bathroom last night, and not much sleep, and I really needed compazine this morning. I apologize for not returning calls or making arrangements to see people during the holiday break, but I just can't deal with social interaction right now. I have everything I need, and I hope by tomorrow to see an end to this part of the ugh. It's gross.


  1. Dear D., everyone understands I'm sure, so please just take care of are too precious to all of us! Spent a lovely day taking care of my Evan from heaven! Reminds me how much I loved being a mom to your nephew and nieces! :-) Love, K.

  2. So Sorry to hear this. I understand and no worries. We will connect later. Take good care of yourself. Love, Laura
