Saturday, January 9, 2010

Busy hands are happy hands...

I guess fortune decided that since my sewing machine went on the fritz, I might as well get a trojan virus on my computer too. I spent the better part of two days on the phone with McAfee, and then ended up having to reinstall Windows anyway. I did that yesterday and it took about 12 hours before I had my computer back to normal.

In the middle of all my phone calls to McAfee, my new art organizer taboret arrived, and I was able to put it together and fill all its drawers with art supplies. It's so nice to have everything in its place.

Chemo starts up again this week. Oh how I dread it, since the ugh was so very awful (and copious) last time. The thing that will get me through it is it is the last round in the cycle, and then I get a couple of months respite from any treatment, along with some actual fun. Visits from my brothers and sister-in-law in early February, another from Kristene in March. Trips to Puerto Vallarta and New York City are already booked, and I'm confirmed in the linocut class that starts on 3/3. It will be so nice to focus on things other than feeling toxic.


  1. That taboret is fabulous! Great getting to see you the other night! Here are some more virtual hugs to supplement the in person ones. :) (((())))

  2. GD Viruses!!! I hope whoever created it get a severe tax audit. There, I said it, so you wouldn't have to.
