Friday, January 22, 2010

New Painting

After getting home from having my blood drawn (yay, I made it all the way on the scooter and back without getting rained on!), I decided to tackle the hanging of the new painting and the subsequent necessary rearrangement of other paintings.

I'm reasonably happy with it (the rearrangement - I LOVE the painting), mainly just glad it's done.

The rain is falling again, and I'm so ready for Mexico. Too bad it's still a month away.


  1. looks great!!! dont know if you got an email with the change of the reservation, but i'm now leaving nyc at 1135am :)

  2. It looks absolutely FAB.

    And, btw? I'm ready for Mexico, too.

  3. Thank goodness for those little islands of non-rain amid all the wet, eh?

    That art is really a great treasure. What a funny/wonderful service that painter provides!
