Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hissy fits

As soon as the ugh started lifting, I came down with a cold, which, though aggravating, is not nearly as bad as experiencing chemo ugh. The cold seems to have limited its mischief to some minor nasal and chest congestion and is moving its way on out of my body.

Today's big outing was to the vet's office. Both cats were due for checkups back in December, and I just had oh, other things going on. Before leaving them in the care of sitters when I start traveling next month, I figured they should be checked out.

The cats vocalize so much that the 5-minute cab ride seems like an hour. Junie is fine. Violet, however, has a big abscess above one of her canine teeth. She is having a very expensive dental procedure under general anesthesia to address it next Friday. Since they have always detected a slight heart murmur in her, they wanted to do a cardiac sonogram before submitting her to surgery. So I waited while they performed the ultrasound. She's fine. No need for concern. Really, after this, Dame Fortune? Our household has had enough to do with medical procedures and the like for a good long while.

Of course the drama associated with a trip to the vet is never over when we get home. We've been home for 4 hours and the cats are still hissing at each other about it. Whatever Divas. Honestly!

I picked up the newly framed ersatz Mark Ryden painting today. It looks really great. However, since my using tools and moving around a lot disturbs Lady Violet, and she's had so much emotional turmoil already today, I'll wait until tomorrow to hang it.


  1. You are such a good Papa. Goodness, how those girls eat up Papa's wallet, though!

  2. Oh those girls :) Abby didn't make a sound in the car. She's not a hugely vocal kitty, but sometimes she still calls out for her long lost foster home friends. Hopefully tomorrow will be calmer and you can hang your art! mwwwwahhhhh
