Thursday, November 12, 2009

Chemo Round 3 Day 2

The Kaiser nursing staff are still getting used to the new system, so once again, my visit took about 45 minutes longer than it should have, but I had my chemo buddy Mike Wade to chat with so it hardly mattered. We stopped by the Garcias briefly on the way home and went with René to pick Cito up at preschool.

I still feel pretty good. I took a walk to Mission Street today before I had lunch. I browsed in Discount Fabrics, but didn't purchase anything.

Not much to report, but there you have it.

I wanted to show that I still have hair all over my head. It's just a lot thinner. I wear caps most of the time when I'm out to keep my head warm, and to avoid having my hair fall onto my plate at a restaurant or on my hostess as I'm hugging her hello, or whatever.

1 comment:

  1. Dear D., I thank God everyday for many things but especially for bringing those darling little Garcia children into your life as they bring you so much happiness, and your happiness is my happiness! Love, K.
