Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The miracle of the sun (and Groucho)

Today didn't start well. Woke up at 5 and threw up, and was in and out of the bathroom for the next hour or so. Finally, I fell back asleep for a couple of hours and woke up feeling better, although still a little nauseous. I got up and got dressed and had a banana and some toast. These were sitting a little uneasily, but I decided to get out and take a walk. It is sunny and clear and about 62 here, and I'd been cooped up for two days.

I listened to my iPod as I walked toward Castro and Market. One of the inevitable results of feeling so unwell physically is that my spirits tend to follow, despite my best efforts at staying cheerful. And so it was today. I slogged along with my numb left foot, feeling pretty sorry for myself, and then suddenly, I realized I was smiling because I was listening to Groucho Marx singing "Lydia the Tattooed Lady" and I had just stepped into a beautiful warm spot of sunshine, and somehow I felt some weight lifted from my shoulders. I ended up walking for about an hour. After I got home, I thawed some soup donated by one of the kindly elves during my first chemo round and had it with some saltines, and now I feel much more settled in the tummy and the heart. I'm very tired now, but I can feel the toxins draining out.

Things are looking up.

1 comment:

  1. You write so beautifully, Dennis, even when you're down...I commend you for walking daily. You are an inspiration to so many of us, teaching us to appreciate what we have. And what we all have in common is someone wonderful...YOU! :-)
