Monday, November 9, 2009

One's Civic Duty

This is a photograph I took from my apartment window this afternoon. These fine examples of middle school students apparently aspire to be gang members, so they've started tagging things. I hate tagging SO much, I took photos of the little a--holes and walked them over to the middle school and handed them over to the principal and guidance counselor. They recognized both kids instantly. They both come from gang families, apparently, so if I'm shot while sitting in my window, there's a clue.

This morning I went to my oncologist appointment and had my blood drawn. Dr. Liu was a little concerned about the neuropathy I had in my left foot after the last round, so he wants me to monitor and report on that closely as it might affect how many rounds of chemo we do. He's concerned about permanent nerve damage. I'm going to take B-complex vitamins to help counteract the effect of the chemo on the nerve cells. The original tumor under my right arm has remained shrunken, and despite the twinges I feel on my left side when I have the chemo infusions, neither he nor I can palpate a swollen node there. This is also something to monitor, because if the cancer has spread to other nodes, post-chemo radiation won't be an option.

I feel pretty good these days. I had a busy weekend. I had dinner at Cheryl and Laura's with Robert and Emily on Saturday night. Yesterday morning I toured the Avedon exhibit at SFMOMA with Michael and Anthony, and last night Robert and I had dinner with the Underwoods in Foster City.

One more full day of feeling good before I start infusions again on Wednesday.


  1. Glad you're feeling well and that you caught those little gangbangers. Jesse and I will be in CA the 17th-23rd/26th (he has to work Christmas and I was unwilling to sit by myself in our apt while he worked 11a-11p on Christmas so I am coming home later). Hopefully we can come visit! We had a great time in AZ at Katie's wedding! Pics on FB. Love you, me.

  2. Sweetie--do you want me to send the freezer mitts home with Robert? It might be worth a try to slip them onto your toes during infusions....

  3. Gawd, I loathe tagging and taggers. I want fingers removed or something....
