Thursday, November 19, 2009

Out from under

Zipedee doo dah.

Woke up today feeling great after a solid night's sleep. No nausea at all this morning, and my neuropathy is even starting to subside. I felt well enough to make a major grocery shopping outing on foot after lunch today, carrying home about 30 lbs of groceries. A good workout.

There are many reasons I love living in my apartment, but here are some major ones. If I exit my apartment building and look left, I see this:

If I cross the street and look the other way, I see this (if I'd angled it correctly, you'd be able to see the bay and the Oakland hills):

And if I take a few steps east, stepping into the alley that my bay window looks out on, and turn around, I see this:

(Note my scooter on the right...a hardy survivor like myself. 10 years old and 13K miles on it. Pretty unusual for a 2-stroke engine. Also note that no one has eradicated the tagging from last week yet.)

Something about SF's topography makes me very happy. Maybe it's because I grew up looking at a flat horizon line all the time.

Still keeping a pretty low profile tomorrow, but now I'm confident that I'll be feeling really good for Meg's visit when she arrives on Saturday.