Friday, November 20, 2009

Jackhammers and Rain

Had to go get my blood drawn this morning in order to determine if I need to continue the dreaded neupogen shots. I passed again. No more shots until next round. My body really seems to respond to human growth factor.

I knew rain was in the forecast, but I didn't think jackhammers were. They started at about 8 AM and continued for 2 hours. OY! I chugged down my latté grumpily and finally went down and kicked the scooter. The skies were dry at that time, but I had my rain suit in a plastic bag with me. Sure enough, by the time I left Kaiser, it was raining and raining hard. Ah well, it felt kind of nice and normal and "sturdy" to be well enough to ride my scooter in the rain.

On the way home, I stopped and scooped Robert's catbox (he's in Mexico) and shoved a half a pepcid down his cat Elroy's throat.

I'm home again, and dry again, and I intend to stay in for the rest of the day. Now I can just look out and enjoy the rain.


  1. Hooray for feeling well! We had a scary thunder and lightening storm last night and then I woke up to the clearest day we've had in awhile! Weather is weird. Bummer about the jackhammers!!! Love you! me.

  2. I thought maybe the jackhammers were going to tear down the graffiti wall! We'll be joining Alison and Jesse tomorrow in D.C. where I hope to go to the National Archives and see the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence. My students want photos but I told them that would not be good for the 200 + year old documents. We'll be thinking of you, D. Love, me

  3. What is this "enjoy the rain" concept, pray tell?

  4. I love that "back in the house for the day and not out in the rain" feeling. :)

  5. It's about time someone showed Elroy who's boss! ;)
