Tuesday, November 17, 2009

the downside of the cycle

The last couple of days, I've felt pretty yucky. Yesterday, I could hardly move, I was so tired, although I managed to drop off and pick up my laundry as my major accomplishments. I have that familiar "toxified" feeling in spades: bloated, feeling the neuropathy in my feet more, can't really taste food.

Hoping to sleep through a lot of it, I took my pills and went to bed early last night, but woke up several times in the night, and started out the morning by having the dry heaves for a good spell. I have had something to eat since, and no more heaving. I'm spending the day resting, and just waiting for this part of the cycle to end.

I have everything I need, so don't worry. If you call, don't expect me to be very chatty. Sorry, that's just how it is until I get through this part.


  1. Dear D., thank God you know the cycle and that it will end soon...love always, Kris
