Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mangiamo Da Flora

No health news to report. The neuropathy is completely gone. I'm mostly bloat-free. Only the fatigue continues and it comes in waves. I've been running various errands and performing various chores, taking advantage of both my energy level and the weather (we have rain in the forecast soon). I'm not bursting with energy, but I have my moments, and I know to use them wisely. Today I went grocery shopping and tomorrow I'm going to make some oxtail soup to save up for next chemo cycle. (This is not a plea for more food. I still have a mostly full freezer. :) )

Last night Robert took me to Da Flora. We couldn't believe the parking karma we had in finding a space on the street one block away. As always, the food was delicious. I had a shredded radicchio salad with bacon and shaved egg, and Robert had the caesar. We both had the same entrée. Flora and Mary Beth had just returned from a trip to Venice and Budapest and they brought back some real Hungarian paprika, which Jen, the chef, used in a delicious pork paprakash that she served with crème fraiche gnocchi. Yummy. We were good and skipped dessert, which takes great restraint because MB is such a gifted pastry chef.

I was tired, but full and happy when Robert dropped me home. Today I had enough energy to go grocery shopping and pick up Violet's prescription inhaler at Walgreens and work on some art. Otherwise I was very lazy. Lets just say Junie got a lot of lap time.


  1. Much as I love cooking, I flunk at pastry which requires a light touch. My touch seems better suited to beating the crap out of bread dough. Fortunately, my wife is excellent at pastry so indulgence does happen occasionally. :)

  2. Jesse thinks we are going to get fat bc I bake so much :-p But we usually give a lot of it away, so that helps. :) Glad you're feeling well-ish. :) I'm at the airport in Phoenix waiting for my connection to Yuma..I packed food with me so i could be a good girl and not get over-priced fast food at the airport. Sadly, Jesse isn't here :( He is taking a test and we couldn't switch his ticket without paying double what we paid before :( Love you much!! me.

  3. Hey you two handsome mouth is watering for some of those gnocchi! Had a great time at yet another Petrucci wedding...this time in Arizona...we stayed at a casino and Alison won $250.00 on the penny slot machine...Alex won $60 at Black Jack. Hell, I couldn't even figure out how to DO the slot machines! Love, Kris
