Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Best Medicine

I dare you to try to be sad or hopeless with these two in your life. Impossible.

Robert and the Garcias came over for dinner last night. We baked the chicken pie Laura brought on Sunday and everyone agreed that there is no need to make your own chicken pie if you have access to Bake Sale Betty. Della, who just started crawling last week, now appears ready to walk. She pulls herself up to standing position at every opportunity. Cito continues to be a joy (and continues being obsessed with "Star Wars").

I really think spending time with them is worth at least two chemo rounds in healing power.

Today is a "free day". No medical appointments. The sun is out and I think I'm going to run some errands on my motor scooter. Tomorrow, the poison drip resumes.


  1. I'm glad you finally go that BSB Chicken Pie. I'm jonesin' for some myself. And, my gawd, Della is growing like CRAZY!

  2. John and I loved the Civil War series...we watched it last spring. The music is soulful, beautiful, yet haunting. If you watch the "extras" on one of the DVDs they have the composer for the violin piece that accompanies the series...and I loved seeing Shelby Foote ten years later talk about the series...you are brave Mr. Cricket Man! :-) Love, K.
