Friday, October 16, 2009

Oh wait, the weather outside's delightful!

My eyes were a little too big for my stomach yesterday, energy-level-wise. When it came time to go to the Salomé dress rehearsal, I was so fatigued I couldn't get it together enough to put on shoes and had to beg off. I napped and dozed instead.

In the evening, Robert and Kevin arrived and Ingrid brought over all the fixins for her swedish-meatball, mashed potatoes, and marinated cucumber dinner (complete with lingonberry jam for garnish/condimento) and she and Robert sweated it out in my muggy kitchen making it all from scratch, while Kevin and I relaxed in the living room. It was a delicious dinner and I don't think I've eaten so much at one sitting since I started chemo. I used the remainder of Carrie's loaf of challah to make a summer pudding for dessert. You cook down berries with sugar and a little water, then add some uncooked berries to it, and then layer slices of bread with the crusts removed and the fruit slop inside a dish, then cover it with plastic and weight it down. The fruit juice gets absorbed into the bread and it ends up like a moist fruity cake. Delightful. And as always, I was relieved of KP completely, so the three of them left me with a clean kitchen. Delightfuler still.

Today, it's like summer again, in the high 70's. Kathy drove down from Petaluma this morning and we took a little walk so I could buy a chicken breast to tempt Junie's appetite (she's been off her feed lately), then we settled into some serious shrinkydinks making, sitting in my bay window. She's the only other artist I know who's expressed an interest in learning the process and the tricks I've developed, so it was deeply satisfying to me. I can't show a picture of what I'm working on, because it's a gift for someone, so here's the view we saw as we worked. I really love my apartment in all kinds of weather.

Oh, and guess which celebrity sent me a handwritten note in response to the thank you letter I sent her after meeting her at the Paramount. Yeah, her. I *knew* she was as nice as she seemed.

1 comment:

  1. That's so classy of Carol!!! I love that you had to black out YOUR address, now that you have a fan base. xoxoxoxo :-)
