Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chemo Brain and Crickets

Holly and I forgot about taking a photo during chemo today, but we remembered afterward when we were on Clement Street buying crickets for the lizard in Renecito's classroom, so here I am holding a cage of 30 very large crickets.

Nothing much to report. I'm woozy from the megadose of zofran and decadron they always start me with on day 1. David was my nurse again, and we found out he's a sock knitter. Knitters, knitters, everywhere knitters. Mike Wade will have to include him in future Sock Summits, etc. Nice guy and very gentle with a needle.

For the first time, I talked to one of the other chemo patients during my infusion. She overheard the conversation Holly and I were having about which public school would be good for Renecito, and she offered some suggestions because she'd raised two sons that went to SF public schools. She kept saying she had "chemo brain", when she couldn't remember a name or a word, and I definitely relate to that, plus, who couldn't use another excuse for their middle-aged forgetfulness? From now on, any memory problems I have are due to "chemo brain". It got a little weird when we started comparing cancers. I was more comfortable discussing public schools. Fortunately, the nurses came in and started dismantling our IVs around that time, so we were distracted from the topic.

I plan to eat my several small meals and do all the things I did last time, since it all worked out well then. So, with that, I'm retiring to my armchair and ottoman and Ken Burns' "The Civil War" documentary and a small portion of chicken pie.


  1. Okay, if HOLLY doesn't steal my chemo buddy time, I'll go with you next time!!! We love new knitters. :-)
