Monday, October 12, 2009

Holla! (and Roses!)

Yesterday was a particularly lovely day. Colleen arrived at my apartment at around 10, and we took a long walk through the neighborhood (I decided to treat the hip pain with more movement rather than less, and it's barely noticeable today, so I think I made the right choice). Then Robert came and picked us up and drove us to the Presidio where we brunched at The Presidio Social Club. Really good eggs benedict and french fries. :) After Robert dropped us off, we walked some more and Colleen bought me these bodacious roses before taking BART back to Albany.

Today my former coworker, Carrie, brought over a beautifully composed salade niçoise, and this gorgeous homemade loaf of challah. Along with a chocolate chip challah, and numerous biscotti, and some chocolate energy bars (Carrie makes the best biscotti of any I have ever tasted). I didn't think to take a snap of the salad before we destroyed it, but here is the rest of the challah. What beauteous bread. Delicious and perfectly crumbed as well.

I'm so lucky in my friends! Really feeling well these days and I'm going to try to make the most of this week, since chemo infusions start again next Wednesday.

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