Thursday, October 1, 2009

Chemo Day 3 Report

Karen was my buddy today. We were whisked right in and I had a new nurse today, David. Cute and efficient and as easy with the IV needle as Theresa, who was home sick today.

Love 2nd and 3rd day chemos cuz there's only one bag and it goes quick. So far, Karen is my best crossword helper, which is what I expected. We made a lot of headway.

Still feeling great. Had a good night's sleep, my appetite is good. No nausea. I'm in a great mood. Bring on Carol Burnett!!!!

FYI...I still have my hair and don't need the cap yet, but I wanted to show it off. Mike Wade made it for me and it's perfect. I want socks to match it now.


  1. Love the cap - I agree you need socks! Glad that so far at least, the process has been easy.

  2. That cap looks fabulous!

    Glad to hear it's going well.

  3. you have a whole longshoreman thing going on - totally works.

  4. you weren't kidding about that book!! it's massive!!!

  5. Yay!!! I'm so glad you like the cap. :-)
