Saturday, October 17, 2009

Heeeeeere's Evan!

Health update: I'm now pretty convinced that my lymph node swelling is smaller since chemo. My energy level still fluctuates, but I have a good period of a few hours at least once a day, and I'm still walking at least once a day. My fridge and freezer are full to bursting, and I'm eating well.

Today I had visits from my former coworker Susan at the same time as my niece Stephanie and her almost-two-year-old son, Evan who live in Sacramento. I haven't seen Evan since he started talking so I was very excited to visit with him. He had a lot to say, mostly about "Mommy" and "bubbles" and "pumpkins", which was a word Steph didn't know he knew, but he said it clear as a bell when we passed a big bin of pumpkins outside of Bi-Rite.

The weather is summery still, and we walked along Dolores to 18th Street and had lunch at Delfina Pizzeria. Then we walked back through Dolores Park, stopping to watch some Mexican singers and dancers. Evan and I were both pretty sleepy at that point, so we packed them up for home when we got back to the apartment. What a great day. It's still gorgeous outside.

Here's a video of Evan engaging in his enthusiasm for bubbles:


  1. Oh no, pumpkins. The UK has imported the American love-affair with Halloween and it drives me mad. Time to emigrate again. :))

  2. John, have you been taking "How to be a fusty curmudgeon" classes since retiring? Really, it's just a pumpkin. :)

  3. Darling photo and video of two of my favorite men! Love, K.

  4. That boy is gonna break hearts!!! I love the pic of you two. ADORABLE! And you know I love that shirt....
