Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sometimes all you can do is organize

I slept well last night, thanks to pharmaceuticals, but I woke up feeling rather cruddy, and have been moving slowly all day. I finally just gave up and took a nap around mid-day, and it did me a lot of good.

After I got up and ate something, I really wanted to finish framing the shrinkydinks piece I completed on Saturday, but I have no mental focus for that kind of thing right now. So instead, I organized my art supplies, including sorting the 132 colored pencils into color spectrum ranges again (I started that chore on Sunday, and Kathy W -- I found four pencils that belong to the set I gave you. Remind me next time you visit to give them to you). I had everything sort of dumped in a couple of boxes, so this organized mess you see is somewhat better than what I started with.

Once I finished sorting and organizing, I dozed again, then took a very short walk around the block, mainly just so I could keep to my routine of taking a walk every day. Then I vacuumed and dustied the apartment and now I'm exhausted, but in a less sickly, toxic way. I'm definitely on the up-swing again, but it took longer this time. I guess it might take a little longer to recover each time. But I'm Scarletting that for now. I don't have to deal with it again for 2 weeks.

Hoping to feel well enough tomorrow to get myself a little Della therapy. :)

1 comment:

  1. Big hugs from me, my friend!

    It's wonderful how getting something organized can make you feel so much better and in control. I love it.

    I envy your huge set of colored pencils! I was at Mendel's on Haight today and picked up 3 colors I don't think I have. Probably. :)
